Train Station Taxi services? Farnborough Main/North Train Station taxis? North Camp taxis? Ash Vale & Ash train station taxis?
Whenever you require a taxi from or to any train stations, it will be for your own benefit if you will book your taxi in advance or at least give 20 to 30 minutes advance notification and give allowance for any un-toward incidents.
You may also sign up for FREE e-mail travel alerts from Southwest Trains in order to have an advance information about your train arriving or leaving.
There is a taxi rank at Farnborough Main Train Station and usually, you might end up in a queue if you do not pre-book a taxi service. We usually send instructions to our clients via e-mail or mobile phone on how the taxi driver will meet you.
Farnborough Main Train Station is a gateway to many business parks, hotels, accomodations, guest houses, serviced apartments, businesses within Farnborough and it's surrounding areas. It is just a walking distance from Max Serviced Apartments along Victoria Road in Farnborough. Farnborough Main Train Station is currently having a car park renovation that's why the train station gets so busy during rush hours. You could get the updates about the current car parking renovation in Farnborough and Fleet via the site of Southwest Trains. The postcode for Farnborough Main train station is GU14 7NL.
Farnborough North Train Station doesn't have a taxi rank and usually, you might end up in a queue if you do not call for an advanced taxi service. Farnborough North train station is roughly ten minutes walk away from Farnborough Main train station. It is not advisable to travel at night in this station because it is a secluded area and quite dark. There are two public houses within a walking distance from this train station, it is The Prince of Wales Pub and The Imperial Arms along Farnborough Road, however, our recent visit in the train station shows there are building works in the site of the pub. The postcode for Farnborough North Train Station is GU14 2PL.
Aldershot Train station have a taxi rank however, there are very few hackney taxi carriages ply in this train station especiall during night time. Always check the train schedule before arriving and departing as week-ends may have bus replacement services. The postcode for Aldershot Train Station is GU11 1HN.
There is NO taxi rank in Ash Train Station and you will be waiting if you do not pre-arranged a taxi service. As far as we know, there is one taxi company in Ash located in Unit 10, Kendalls Vehicle Centre, Unit 10, Ash Church Road, GU12 6LX. However, the availability of such taxi company is not guaranteed. The postcode for Ash Train Station is GU12 6BE.
Again, this is another train station that does not have a taxi rank, usually, you might end up waiting if you do not pre-book a taxi service. Ash Vale train station is near North Camp Train Station, if you will walk, it will take approximately upto 15 minutes before you reach the other station. Although Ash Vale Train Station and North Camp Train Stations are just close to each other, the taxi fare is usually on a fixed price as Ash Vale Train Station is officially within the boundaries of Guildford Borough Council. Note that there are two entrries and exits in Ash Vale Train Station, one is from Vale Road facing the mini-roundabout (Lysons Avenue) and the other one is Station Approach where you could see the red postal box. The postcode for Ash Vale Train Station is GU12 5LP.
There is NO taxi rank in North CampTrain Station and usually, you might end up waiting if you do not pre-book a taxi service. North Camp Train Station have a good connections to Gatwick Airport however, if you are travelling in the morning, it is worth to be at North Camp Train Station early as you might miss your flight in Gatwick International Airport if there are any delays. When that happens, instead of trying to save taxi fares, you might end up paying the premium taxi fare as taxi companies may charge you from £120.00 and exploit your vulnerability. The postcode for North Camp Train Station is GU12 5QA.