Venue Address is:

ETPS Road,


GU14 6FD,
United Kingdom


If you are looking for taxi service from Heathrow or Gatwick airports to the Business Airport World Expo 2014 venue in Farnborough, it will save you a great deal of taxi fare if you pre-booked with Farnboroughtaxis.EU.  Hackney taxis at Heathrow or Gatwick airports will charge you a minimum of £100.00 upto £120.00 pounds, worst, it will be on a metered fare!

Our clients in the private jet industry suppliers could be our references when it comes to the quality of airport taxi service from Heathrow-Farnborough-Heathrow/Gatwick, cheaper taxi fares with excellent taxi administration.

We are more than willing to provide references.  Money back if you are not satisfied!